The newly redesigned and improved functionality and mobile navigation app of Western Union - PayLink is here, ready for you to explore!
Now you can:
1) send money to your friends or family abroad securely through Western Unionremittance paying by credit/debit card, by bank transfer, by phone or in cash
2) search for your nearest service Western Union service point (more than 1.100locations in Greece and a network vaster than 550.000 in 200 countries worldwide)
3) calculate your transfer cost quickly
4) track your transfers easily
5) keep control of your recent transfers and easily and quickly repeat any of them
6) request a change or a refund of your money transfer
7) call us directly in any case you need assistance with your transfer
8) learn how to become a PayLink-Western Union Agent (B2B)
9) find out where you can pay your bills (energy, telephony, etc.) without waiting in queues. Any day, even on the weekend.
Want to know more about PayLink?
PayLink is the distinctive title of WorldBridge Payment Institution S.A., which introduced the Western Union services in the Greek market in 1991. PayLink is the principal representative of Western Union in Greece.
Why choose Western Union?
Western Union is a worldwide ranged Group with a network of more than 500.000 agent locations around the globe in over 200 countries. The proprietary, single electronic system allows money to be sent from one place to another point almost immediately.
You can use our services with your I.D. card or passport (bank account is not necessary) in extended working hours during afternoons and weekends.
Download now for free and start sending money around the globe quickly and securely.
For more information, please visit